
Table Of Contents

  1. 10 different languages are spoken on our channel. Are you able to analyse it?
  2. Which programming languages you use?
  3. Do you have a dedicated IRC server for logging?
  4. Do you have a public CVS?

1: 10 different languages are spoken on our channel. Are you able to analyse it?

We detect the languages spoken using simple bigram frequencies. It works suprsingly well. If the language is unknown or unsupported we don't analyse the channel.

2: Which programming languages you use?

Irchiver bots are made with Python, statistical models with C and preprocessing with C++. Our first web crawlers will be in Perl. Quite diverse (:

3: Do you have a dedicated IRC server for logging?

Not yet. We might sponsor a server for an IRC network if it helps.

4: Do you have a public CVS?

Not yet. We will provide it as soon as we can.

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