
Table Of Contents

  1. Your bots invaded Freenode Oct 30th 2003. Why didn't you ask us before doing it?
  2. Why just Freenode?
  3. Under which license your code will be published?
  4. How are you going to handle spammers and fakers etc. who try to ruin the data quality?

1: Your bots invaded Freenode Oct 30th 2003. Why didn't you ask us before doing it?

You wouldn't have listened (: To be honest, we sent an email to Freenode administration a day before and informed them about the project. We may have acted a bit hastily and we could have waited longer, but still we're happy that our project received much attention after this happening.

2: Why just Freenode?

In our point of view Freenode is one of the best sources to collect test data.

3: Under which license your code will be published?

Probably GPL.

4: How are you going to handle spammers and fakers etc. who try to ruin the data quality?

It's an arms race. We hope that our reliance on large masses of data will help us. Moreover our statistical models are somehow resistant against attacks.

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