Informatica is an international refereed journal with its base in Europe. We are organizing a special issue on Specialised Web Search. Guest editors for this issue are:
Stephan Bloehdorn, Universität Karlsruhe
Wray Buntine, HIIT
Andreas Hotho, Universität Kassel

The growing research field of web search we see is one which makes increasing use of information extraction, and gradually blends in semantic web technology and peer to peer systems. Moreover, tools are being developed for specialised search engines in constrast to the quality global search engines available free to consumers. This special issue explores these themes.

Prospective authors should consult the journal website for submission information, details below. Note the journal has restrictions on size, so no paper over 10 pages will be accepted. Also, we would be grateful if prospective authors would notify the guest editors of their intent to submit by 1st November. All papers will be reviewed in accordance with Informatica policy, and the Informatica Editorial Board will have the final say in accepting a paper.


Suggestion for notification:
Deadline for submission:
November 18th, 2005, extended to end of November
Planned date for completion of review:
January 15th, 2006
Planned date for final, camera ready version:
later in February, 2006


Contact persons email:
Stephan Bloehdorn, sbl from
Wray Buntine, buntine from
Andreas Hotho, hotho from
Follow Instructions for Authors and submit to a contact person
Recommended length:
5-10 pages