Studia Stemmatology Bibliography

  1. Jean Claude Ameisen: Les Leçons de la biologie, in: Annales 62 (2007), S. 1251–1283.

  2. John L. Cisne: How Science Survived: Medieval Manuscripts' "Demography" and Classic Texts' Extinction. Science 2005 Feb 25; 307:5713, pp. 1305–1307. full-text PDF

  3. John L. Cisne, Robert M. Ziomkowski, Steven J. Schwager: Mathematical Philology: Entropy Information in Refining Classical Texts' Reconstruction, and Early Philologists' Anticipation of Information Theory. PLoS ONE 2010 Jan 13; 5(1): e8661. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008661. full-text PDF

  4. Marko Halonen: Stemmatology of a 16th Century Chronicle — A comparison of traditional and computer-assisted methods for creating stemmata of Paulus Juusten's Catalogus et Ordinaria Successio Episcoporum Finlandensium. Master's thesis, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki, 2012. 127 pages. full-text PDF

  5. Odd Einar Haugen: Stamtre og tekstlandskap: Studiar i resensjonsmetodikk med grunnlag i Nidrstigningar saga. 2nd ed. Vol. 1: Teori og analyse. Vol. 2: Tekst og tabellar. Dr.philos.-dissertation. Bergen: Nordisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, 1992. 314 + 338 pages.

  6. Odd Einar Haugen: "Silva portentosa: Togreina stemmata i den arnamagnæanske tradisjonen." In: Islenzk malsaga og textafrædi, ed. Úlfar Bragason, pp. 68–90. Rit 3. Reykjavik: Stofnun Sigurdar Nordals, 1995. 23 pages.

  7. Odd Einar Haugen: "The spirit of Lachmann, the spirit of Bédier: Old Norse textual editing in the electronic age." Paper read at a meeting of The Viking Society in Great Britain. University College, London, 8 November 2002, 21 pages. full-text PDF.

  8. Odd Einar Haugen: "Textkritik und Textphilologie." In: Altnordische Philologie: Norwegen und Island, ed. Odd Einar Haugen, pp. 99–145. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007.

  9. Odd Einar Haugen: "A Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns? On the merits of Old and New Philology in the Editing of Old Norse texts." In: On Editing Old Scandinavian texts: Problems and Perspectives, eds. Fulvio Ferrari and Massimiliano Bampi, pp. 9–37. Trento: Universita Degli Studi di Trento.

  10. Odd Einar Haugen: "An apology for the text that never was: Reconstructing the King's Mirror." In: Medieval texts — contemporary media. The art and science of editing in the digital age, eds. Maria Grazia Saibene and Marina Buzzoni, pp. 57–79. Milano: Ibis.

  11. Odd Einar Haugen: "Stitching the text together: Documentary and eclectic editions in Old Norse philology." In: Creating the medieval saga, eds. Judy Quinn et al, in the series The Viking Collection. Odense: Syddansk universitetsforlag. Expected in the autumn of 2010. ca. 23 pages.

  12. Odd Einar Haugen and Daniel Apollon: "The digital turn in textual scholarship: An historical and typological perspective." To be published in 2010 or 2011 in a book (in English and in French) by Daniel Apollon, Bergen; Claire Bélisle, Lyon; and Philippe Régnier, Paris. ca. 20 pages.

  13. Odd Einar Haugen, "The making of an edition: Reproduction, process and selection." To be published in 2010 or 2011 in a book (in English and in French) by Daniel Apollon, Bergen; Claire Bélisle, Lyon; and Philippe Régnier, Paris. ca. 40 pages.

  14. Wendy J. Phillips-Rodriguez, Christopher J. Howe, and Heather F. Windram: Chi-Squares and the Phenomenon of "Change of Exemplar" in the Dyutaparvan, in: Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5402, 2009, pp. 380–390. full-text (PDF).

  15. Philipp Roelli: Ekdotik (mit praktischer Arbeit an Petrus Alfonsis Dialogus) (in German), Lecture Notes, University of Zürich, 2009. full-text (PDF).

  16. Philipp Roelli and Dieter Bachmann: Towards Generating a Stemma of Complicated Manuscript Traditions: Petrus Alfonsi's Dialogus, in: Revue d'histoire des textes n.s. 5 (2010), pp. 307–321.

  17. Teemu Roos and Tuomas Heikkilä: Evaluating methods for computer-assisted stemmatology using artificial benchmark data sets, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 24:4, 417–433, 2009, doi:10.1093/llc/fqp002. Link

  18. Teemu Roos and Yuan Zou. Analysis of Textual Variation by Latent Tree Structures, In Proceedings of the 2011 ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Vancouver, December 2011. IEEE Computer Society Press. Fulltext PDF

  19. Michael Stolz: Early versions in medieval textual traditions. Wolfram's Parzival as a testcase, in: Dating Egyptian Literary Texts, hg. von Gerald Moers u.a., Göttingen 2011 (Lingua Aegypti — Studia monographica).

  20. Michael Stolz: “Copying processes” Genetische und philologische Perspektiven, in: Materialität in der Editionswissenschaf, hg. von Martin Schubert, Tübingen 2010 (Beihefte zu editio 32), S. 275–291.

  21. Celine Vens, Eduardo Costa, Hendrik Blockeel (2010). Top-Down Induction of Phylogenetic Trees. In: Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 8th European Conference, EvoBIO 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, April 7–9, 2010, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6023, pp. 62–73. Springer.

  22. Gabriel Viehhauser: Die 'Parzival'-Überlieferung am Ausgang des Manuskriptzeitalters. In: Handschriften der Lauberwerkstatt und der Straßburger Druck. Berlin, New York 2009 (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte 55).

  23. Gabriel Viehhauser and Thomas F. Schneider: Zwei Neufunde zu Wolframs von Eschenbach 'Parzival'. Teil 2: Das dreispaltige Solothurner Fragment F 69. Ein Vertreter der 'Nebenfassung' *m. In: Reflexion und Inszenierung von Rationalität in der mittelalterlichen Literatur. Blaubeurer Kolloquium 2006. In Verbindung mit Wolfgang Haubrichs und Eckart Conrad Lutz hg. v. Klaus Ridder. Berlin 2008 (Wolfram-Studien 20), pp. 457–525.

  24. Gabriel Viehhauser and Michael Stolz: Text und Paratext. Überschriften in der 'Parzival'-Überlieferung als Spuren mittelalterlicher Textkultur. In: Text und Text in lateinischer und volkssprachiger Überlieferung des Mittelalters. Freiburger Kolloquium 2004. In Verbindung mit Wolfgang Haubrichs und Klaus Ridder hg. v. Eckart Conrad Lutz. Berlin, Erich Schmidt 2006 (Wolfram-Studien 19), S. 292-326.

  25. Heather Windram, Christopher Howe, and Matthew Spencer: The identification of exemplar change in the Wife of Bath's Prologue using the maximum chi-squared method. Literary and Linguistic Computing 20 (2005): 189–204.

  26. Heather Windram, Prue Shaw, Peter Robinson, and Christopher Howe: Dante's Monarchia as a test case for the use of phylogenetic methods in stemmatic analysis. Literary and Linguistic Computing 23 (2008): 443–463.