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Next Generation Information Search -- NGIR: SIB

Overview PROSE SIB ALVIS Demos Software People Contact

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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Research Goal - Internal pages
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Research Goal - Partners - Internal pages
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Web Site - Open Source Search - Internal pages
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Graphics Version

Complex Systems Computation Group, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)

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HIIT will develop the architecture and basic components and coordinate the components built by the other partners. HIIT will also manage the pilots with industrial partners, handling pilots requirements, and so forth. Tampere Unit for Computer Human Interaction (TAUCHI), University of Tampere (UTA) TAUCHI will lead Task D using their own systems and early demonstrators developed at HIIT, responsible jointly with Dr. Marti Hearst (UCB) on the research and development of user interface design and the usability studies. They will also support HIIT in task F.

Technology Programme, Helsinki Institute for Physics (HIP)

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HIP will provide Grid computing resources and related software development for scalability demonstrators for large document collections, in particularly for the public interest internet pilot. HIP will thus provide critical support for Task A and E and Task F. They will parallelize some components of the system both to multi-processor single memory machines, and to clusters of machines. They will also develop the content streaming subsystem for Task A, essentially a pseudo-file system layer.

Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley (UCB)

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UCB will provide high-level research guidance in both the content analysis effort and the user interface effort, working with both HIIT and TAUCHI. Dr. Marti Hearst with some of her students will be involved in tasks D and F for the user interface research. Dr. Michael Jordans and his students research work will be utilized in tasks B and C. Both groups will also be involved in researcher visits (from Finland to Berkeley and vice versa).

Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University (TU)

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TU will be involved in tasks A, B and F, in particularly for the topic-specific crawler aspects and language modelling. In support of this, TU will develop a module that represents the shared content of pages in a graphical format. This will allow the distillation of the common content of pages into a convenient, compact representation so that other general processes such as normalization and personalization can operate efficiently. TU will also test the system for basic foreign language compliance.


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Novo Group

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Alma Media

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