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Next Generation Information Search -- NGIR: Demos

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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Research Goal - Internal pages
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Research Goal - Partners - Internal pages
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[an error occurred while processing this directive] Graphics Version Web Site - Open Source Search - Internal pages
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Graphics Version

Search Engine News Demo

A collection of news articles collected from a predefined set of Internet Search related news sites at regular intervals. The database covers the latest articles as well as archives from different popular Web news and blogs resources.

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Wikipedia.hiit.fi is an old demo. demonstrating one approach to search result scoring it provides working search access to Wikipiedia with tunable search parameters. The query is divided into keyword and context parts where keywords use a standard scoring function. The topic profile used in the query is done by sampling the topic model distribution given the contextual words. The most prominent topics are presented to the user as selectable options to further narrow the search.

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Wikipedia Search Demo

The article and category page English language content of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

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Topic specific search for the recent EU project Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation, SMART.

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More demonstrations and technical information available on the Alvis project demonstration page.

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