Studia Stemmatologica

A Series of International Workshops on Stemmatology

Organizers: T. Heikkilä, P. Myllymäki & T. Roos

Supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation 


   Fifth Workshop, October 5 –8, 2011   

Rome, Italy

The fifth workshop takes place in Rome, October 5–8, 2011.

Practical Information


Rooms are reserved for the invitees at Ripa Hotel,Via degli Orti di Trastevere 3, Roma. In Google Maps.

Workshop Venue

The workshop will take place at The Finnish Institute in Rome, Villa Lante, Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10. The walking distance from the hotel to Villa Lante is ca. 1,7 km. In Google Maps.


Please click here for a list of relevant papers by the participants of Studia Stemmatologica. Please feel free to submit bibliographic references to your own papers to Teemu Roos.

Workshop Program

Wednesday 5 October

18.30 Welcoming Drinks
Villa Lante, Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10.
20.00 Dinner
Miraggio Club Via della Lungara 16 (Please note: there is a 1,3 km walk to the restaurant from Villa Lante)

Thursday 6 October

9.30-11.00 Session 1
  • Opening of the workshop
  • Erika Kihlman: Fluid Text Editing: The Case of the Sequence Commentary
  • Michael Stolz: The Oldest Fragments of Parzival and Their Role in a Stemma
  • Thomas Bein: Stemmatological Problems in the Manuscript Tradition of the Poems of Walther von der Vogelweide
11.00–11.15 Coffee Break

11.15-12.45 Session 2
  • Moderated group activity: The Possibilities, Limitations and Uses of Stemmatology
13.00-15.00 Lunch
Ristorante Scarpone, Via di S. Pancrazio 15 (The restaurant is located 900 metres from Villa Lante)

15.00-16.00 Session 3 (Chair: Godfried Croenen)
  • Tara Andrews: An Update on the Tree of Texts Project
  • Heather Windram & Terence Charlston: The Second Book of J. S. Bach's 'Well-Tempered Clavier': Early 18th Century Pedagogy
16.00–16.15 Coffee Break

16.15-17.45 Session 4 (Chair: Petri Myllymäki)
  • Wendy Phillips-Rodriguez: What textual scholars write to each other See abstract.
  • Marina Buzzoni: Trees for More than Two - Epistemological Reflections on Different Types of Stemmata
  • Odd Einar Haugen: The True and the Approximate Stemma: Methodological Musings on the Death Rate of Manuscripts
  • Marko Halonen: The Stemmatology of a 16th-Century Chronicle Revisited

20.00 Dinner
Enoteca Palatium, Via Frattina 94

Friday 7 October

9.30-11.00 Session 5 (Chair: Aidan Conti)
  • Godfried Croenen: Multiple Authorial Versions, Directional Variants and Automated Neo-Lachmannian Analysis of Jean Froissart's Chronicles
  • Jamie Tehrani: Bayesian Phylomemetics
  • Chris Howe: How a Bad Fit Between Data and Model Causes Problems
  • Teemu Roos: Semstem - A New Method for Stemmatology
11–11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.45 Session 6
Small-group workshop on
  • Contamination (moderated by Peter Robinson)
  • Publication (moderated by Barbara Bordalejo and Jamie Tehrani)
  • Web facility (moderated by Chris Howe)
  • Stemmatological vocabulary (moderated by Odd Einar Haugen)
13.00-15.00 Lunch
Ristorante Scarpone, Via di S. Pancrazio 15.

15.00-16.00 Session 7: Putting the Great Ideas into Practice
    Discussion on the ideas and findings of the groups of Session 6
18.00-19.00 Concert
    A Grand Tour: Musical Taste and Manners in Baroque Europe Terence Charlston, Harpsichord
20.00 Dinner
Casa Bleve Via del Teatro Valle 48-49

Saturday 8 October

Free morning to enjoy Rome!

13.00 Lunch
Orso '80. Via dell'Orso 33


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