Studia Stemmatologica

A Series of International Workshops on Stemmatology

Organizers: T. Heikkilä, P. Myllymäki & T. Roos

Supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation 


   First Workshop, January 27–30, 2010   

Helsinki, Finland

The first workshop takes place in Helsinki, January 27–30, 2010.
The goals of the first workshop were:
  • To create a common ground in stemmatological questions, i.e., to be sure we all understand each other,
  • To get an overview of the earlier and current methods,
  • To identify the major challenges, and pros and cons of the current approaches,
  • To ponder the different applications of stemmatology,
  • To set aims for future,
  • To plan the programme of the following workshops,
  • To have serious fun within and outside the field of textual scholarship.

Practical Information


Rooms are reserved for the invitees at Hotel GLO, Kluuvikatu 4 (Glogatan 4 in Google Maps), Helsinki. In Google Maps.

Workshop Venue

The workshop will take place at the University of Helsinki, in Auditorium VII, Main Building (two blocks form the hotel). Click here for walking directions.

Workshop Program

Click on the talk title to get an abstract.

Wednesday 27 January

19.00 Welcoming Dinner for the Foreign Delegates
Restaurant Olo, Kasarmikatu 44, Helsinki. (directions)

Thursday 28 January

9.30–11.00 Session 1: Aims of Stemmatological Study
University Main Building (Auditorium VII) 11.00–11.30 Coffee Break

11.30–13.00 Session 2: Methods of Stemmatology I
13.00 Lunch
Cafe Engel, Aleksanterinkatu 26, Helsinki. (directions)

14.30-16.00 Session 3: Methods of Stemmatology II
19.00 Dinner
Tuomas Heikkilä's Residence (Ruusulankatu 14 B; directions; Teemu and Petri will lead the troops from the hotel at 18.45)

Friday 29 January

9.30–11.00 Session 4: Current Challenges
11.00–11.30 Coffee Break

11.30–13.00 Session 5: Where Do We Want to Go?
13.00 Lunch
Restaurant Salutorget (directions)

14.30–16.00 Session 6: New Artificial Textual Traditions
  • Presentation of a Tradition based on Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: Teemu Roos & Tuomas Heikkilä
  • Discussion: The Road Ahead; Petri Myllymäki (chair)
18.00 Dinner (note changed time)
Restaurant Uunisaari, Uunisaari Island (directions; transportation from the hotel will be provided at 17.45)
  • Optional Sauna and Ice-Swimming

Saturday 30 January

Extracurricular Activities

13.00 Lunch
Restaurant Stridberg (directions)

  • National Library of Finland
    Unioninkatu 36

    A rare possibility to acquaint oneself with the collection of medieval parchment fragments at the National Library of Finland. Meet the young scholars of the Written Culture of Medieval Finland research project in the lobby of the library at 11.30.
  • Temppeliaukio church ("Rock church") (open Sat 9-18)
    Lutherinkatu 3
  • Tuomiokirkko (open Sat 9-18)
  • Uskenskij cathedral (Orthodox) (open Sat 9.30-14)
    Kanavakatu 1
  • Finnish National Opera
    Helsinginkatu 58
    On Saturday, at 14 o'clock: John Cranko, The Taming of the Shrew (ballet)


Other links:
Updated by T. Roos on January 26, 2010